Price is based upon presenting onsite in Toledo Ohio (or anywhere virtually) to deliver two (2) separate training presentations to a group of up to 15 persons. The duration of each training presentation is two (2) hours. Note that exact timing depends on the extent of class interaction. Note price does not include travel expenses for in person learning outside our local area.
NFPA-70E based Electrical Safety Training (Two Class Sessions)
Course Outline
Opening Discussion:
- Electrical hazards in the workplace
Dangerous locations
Arc flash facts and figures
Codes, standards, and regulations
NFPA 70E Safe Work Practices:
Host employer
Contract employer
Qualified versus unqualified workers
Electrical Safety Program (ESP)
Ground fault circuit interrupters
Electrically safe work condition
De-energize and isolate (LOTO)
Energized work
Energized electrical work permit
Shock hazard boundary
Arc flash protection boundary
Arc flash hazard analysis
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE usage requirements
Insulated tools and equipment
Alerting techniques
Equipment labeling
Videos to be Presented:
Actual arc flash events captured on surveillance video
Arc-rated apparel manufacturer testing
Actual accident recovery video "Donnie's Accident"